Back Netti AdaptPro & Dynamic AdaptPro

Back and accessories for Netti AdaptPro and Dynamic AdaptPro.

How to adjust the back straps to the users' back curves?

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For change of handle on a Netti AdaptPro or Netti Dynamic AdaptPro older than November 2024, please contact customerservice.

Back extender with velcro and adjustbale velcro back
Pos. Description Seat Width Height Length Unit Item no. Price
Back extender Netti AdaptPro 350 - 500 mm - - Piece 90862 209.00
Adjustable velcro back 350-550 mm 350 mm - Piece 90811 257.00
Plug back tube - top R & bottom L - - - Piece 90787 1.00
Plug back tube - top L & bottom R - - - Piece 90788 1.00
Plug backtube inside top right - - - Piece 90839 1.00
Plug backtube inside top left - - - Piece 90840 1.00
Plastic rod D6 white - top - - 225 mm Piece 90796 4.00
Plastic rod D6 white - bottom - - 170 mm Piece 90795 4.00
Push bow for attendant
Pos. Description Width Unit Item no. Price
Push bow 350 mm Piece 92227 235.00
Push bow 380 mm Piece 92228 235.00
Push bow 400 mm Piece 92229 235.00
Push bow 430 mm Piece 92230 235.00
Push bow 450 mm Piece 92231 235.00
Push bow 500 mm Piece 92232 235.00
Handles for tilt and recline
Pos. Description Unit Item no. Price
Handle for drum brake and recline R Piece 93747 74.00
Handle for drum brake and tilt L Piece 93748 74.00
Handle for recline right Piece 93743 49.00
Handle for tilt left Piece 93744 49.00
Clamp recline/tilt handle (Netti AdaptPro + V) Piece 94116 17.00
Handle for drum brakes
Pos. Description Unit Item no. Price
Release handle lockable for drum brake Piece 41313 26.00

Does it fit my Netti?

If you do not know, which Netti you have, please check the serial number.

You will find the serial no. on a label at the lower cross bar. It writes xxx-xxxxxx.

The first 3 digits of the serial number will help you determine which Netti wheelchair you have.
Please check our FAQ for a list of all serialnumbers and Netti model.

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